A regular chat about Pharo. Happens on Discord.
The Tech talks are open to both members and non-members!
Topic: Pharo Status May 2020
Pharo is moving fast, and sometimes it looks it is doing it in a
chaotic way. However, we have a plan and a lot of things that we have
accomplished in the past months. The idea of this talk is to present
what has been done, where we are, and what are the things that we are
working on. The idea of this talk is to be an open talk, where we can
share the state but also listen to different ideas about what is
important for the community. For so, I am attaching a presentation
with the detail of the status, so we can start from it the
Slides: PDF Download
The Pharo Association is a French Association of law 1901 (non-profit organization). It is registered as "Association Pharo" W595018475